NBA All-star Voting 2018
NBA // HYFN // Motion + web + Broadcast
For the second consecutive year HYFN teamed up with the NBA for the 2018 NBA All-Star Game and its All-Star Voting campaign consisting of several localized TV and radio spots, as well as its web destinations and corresponding social and display campaigns.
Armed with 2018 All-Star Game style guide, we established a look and feel that would differentiate 2018's LA vibe from 2017's NOLA look, yet maintained a level of consistency with the "how to vote" messaging the NBA requested. To give 2018's ASV spots an edge, we decided to go with an extruded 3D look based on the 2D style guide elements provided. All style guide elements were provided as basic 2D vector patterns and logos, which were designed in 2D, prepped, and brought into After Effects for a proper 3D treatment using Element 3D.
Along with production for the US, the spots had to be localized for global markets including China, Canada, and other US partners. After solidifying a workflow for generating 3D assets we had to develop a process for localization and replacement of partner logos, copy, and other dynamic elements each market required, all while keeping in mind render efficiency resulting in a total of 11 final TV spots including 15 second and 30 second cuts.